Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am taking votes on who I should pick for my photographer. I have met both of them and really like them both. One is WAY cheaper than the other, but of course I love the one that is more. I think her work is more Wonderful Fiance and I. Fiance likes the one that costs more too BTW.

Give me your thoughts.

Can you tell which one costs more? THANKS YOU GUYS!


♥ jmo said...

If the one that costs more is the one you both love, then do it! You'll have these pictures forever. You want to love them.

MadJax said...

IMO.. the photographs are all that you will have left to show your children.. go with the one you LOVE even if it means spending a little bit more than you initially planned. Don't go for broke.. but don't settle either!

p.s. Have you ever heard of Christina Carroll Photography? She does killer work and is very reasonably priced! Her 'second photographer' is the girl who operates Forever Photography.

MadJax said...

on second thought.. I just went to Christina's website.. and it seems she is gone up on her pricing.. almost double! ouch!

Christine said...

That was my problem! I looked at Christina before because of another rec. and I had the same issue. I love her work though!

Several of my friends have said that thier photographers have more than doubled since they booked them a year ago! NUTS!

Princess Selina said...

I'm biased. I loooooooooooove Carli. Like I will be calling her for years to come to do pictures whenever I need them. But besides that, go with who you love. These pictures last forever so if the more expensive one is what you want, then do it. =)

Vic said...

Ditto what jmo said :)