Sunday, January 3, 2010

NYE 2009: A Night I Forgot

NYE was fun this year. I was lucky enough to spend it with some great friends. We went to a Vickers and Tarts Party with a big group of our friends. It is usually a great crowd, and the night included a shot block and a confessional with video to record your sins, of which I am pretty sure I made out with WF on camera for all of our friends to see.

I did end up drinking to much champagne and put my self to bed in their guest bedroom. FAIL. All in all I would give the night a B. I wish I had not drank so much and I wish I could remember more of what happened. Fortunately they recorded a lot of the party so I am sure I will be embarrassed of myself at a later date.


Vic said...

HAHA, it should be so fun to watch the video later. We've all been there on the drinking too much - don't feel bad! You've got like 362 nights left this year to remember, what's one forgotten? :)

♥ jmo said...

apparently i enjoyed myself so much on NYE that i didn't leave my bed the next day. at all... don't sweat the over-drinking! we all do it :)