Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It is a holiday in my book!

Today is the premier of LOST! It is totally a national holiday for me. Oh lord I am so freaking excited! It is a combination of feeling really ready to get some answers, like what is the smoke monster, and why the huge foot statue? And totally needing a dose of my weekly mind f$#% that is Lost! Does anyone else love this show like I do?

WF and I are hosting the lovely Amelia and her husband tonight for a three hour session of TV watching. They too love this show (I am glad we have dorky friends like us). I have planned the menu and bought plenty of wine. I am going to put it out there that if this show ends like Twin Peaks, and it is all a dream I might throw a shoe at my TV.

Only 8 episodes left! How will it all end?


♥ jmo said...

Yeah, I'm with you. If it's all a dream then I'll be doing something a lot harsher than throwing a shoe at my TV.

d.a.r. said...

I need answers dangit!!

Nishant said...

poor baby! I hope he feels better soon! Sick puppies are so pitiful!

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