Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh god please no... must fight it

I am sick. It is official. I am super gross sick. I don't sound that bad just yet but it is coming. My throat is on FIRE and my glands are swollen. I am achy and tired and I can barley open my eyes enough to type this.

There are several large problems with being sick at this time. Let me fill you in. First this Thursday I have a big surprise planned for WF and I. I will not tell you what it is just in case he does read this. But let me tell you being sick will really imped the experience. Plus the added not feeling hot and sexy at all when you are trying to celebrate Valentines day with your finance really kinda blows. Then we have a wedding this weekend in Houston. We have to travel to Houston and go to this wedding. Again not fun when you are sick. On top of that we are going to visit my niece and nephew, fun but not when you are hacking all over them. (Although I am pretty sure they are the ones that got me sick in the first place, ass holes) Then next week is going to be super busy for me. I have a HUGE week long conference that I work like 20 hour days at. Being sick BLOWS during said events.

The WORST part of all of this? Is WF is sick too. You ladies must know that grown men are the biggest babies when it comes to having any sort of cold symptom. They wine and bitch about how sick they are. WF is great most of the time but when he has a cold, OMG I could hit him. Last night he kept joking that he thought he was dying. REALLY? Scratchy throat and you think you are dying?

My rant is over now.


Vic said...

I hope you both start feeling better stat!

amelia said...

ah! i'm feeling sick too! scratchy voice, sore throat, tired, sniffles...YUCK. feel better soon!!!!

Hailey said...

Feel better soon! I just got over being sick - took me almost 3 weeks!!! Things that worked for me - Robitussin and Mucinex DM (at night)...and vicodin/800mg Ibuprofin during the day. I'm the freak, though, and vicodin doesn't make me tired like it does most people, so that's why I took it during the day :)

Janet said...

Oh no! So sorry! There is something going around - go to whole foods and get Wellness Formula, it helps to make the sick not last as long & for next time it will help you not catch what's going around.

Nishant said...

hope he gets better soon!

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