Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fluffernutter Awesomeness

So, fiance and I like to ask each other questions as we lay in bed falling asleep. I find it a good time to ask silly questions and talk to each other. Last night I asked him the question, "If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?". He told me Gummy bears. He loves gummy bears, could eat them every day all day. In fact there is very serious discussion of his grooms cake being a huge gummy bear!

So he then proceeded to ask me the same question. After some serious thought I came up with the best sandwich ever made known to man. The Flufernetter. If you are not aware of what this is I shall explain. It is marshmallow fluff and peanut butter on two slices of bread. Amazing really. I seriously could eat one of these everyday for the rest of my life (if calories did not exist) and never get bored with it. In fact I ate one of them every day for my entire 7th grade year. My mom used to joke I would turn in too a fluffernutter sandwich one day.

Then he and I started talking about my second favorite thing in the world, Nutella. Again if you do not know what this is it is a chocolate and hazelnut spread. Taste like heaven. I put that stuff on everything. My favorite desert is strawberries and whip cream with nutella.

So I think we may have been really tired because we then started thinking what if you could dip the fluffernutter into the nutella? I mean does that not sound like the most fantastic idea ever? Like what if you could smash together amazing and heaven? Hevmazing! That's what you get! Man, now I really want something sweet. I wonder why?

Anyway, what do you think you would eat for the rest of your life if you could only have one thing?


d.a.r. said...

Mmmm gummy bears!!!

Vic said...

Probably ice cream. With nutella. Mmmm.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Can you believe I've never had one? But I can go to town on some Nutella!