Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fashion Trends I cant Pull off – Part two

First, as an update let me tell you about what has been going on on my Facebook page. A friend put a posting on my wall about how she disagreed about my not being able to pull of skinny jeans. Meanwhile she is one of those super tall thing girls that can pull of any fashion trend! Here is the conversation from my page between my self, and my friends Amy and other blogger Amelia:

Amy: Read your blog post on skinny jeans ... lol, and I think perhaps you just haven't found the right pair. Once you do, it's all you'll wear. Promise. Or maybe try straight legs (if you need baby steps). Congrats on the tights outfit. Now work the belt and try this one - shorts, stocking, boots ... I KNOW!

Amelia: i have to have to be built like amy or heidi klum to look good in skinny jeans. for the rest of us, they make our legs look exactly like an upside down triangle as you so eloquently put it. with gigantic boat feet. NOT a good look for 99.9% of the population.
although i DID buy a pair to wear with jeans...this is totally different. :)

Christine: Amelia, I am so glad you have my back on this! There is no way to make this look go right on my body type. It's truly horrible. I am currently freaking out though cus I apparently have no sense of style and cant figure out what the heck to wear for these silly pictures! I might need you to come over Friday and tell me if I look like and upside down triangle in what I have. Maybe even borrow some fantastic accessories for my fashionista friend Amelia?

See Amy you are just lucky - you are freakishly tall and thin. If you were not my friend I would have to hate you... :)

So then Amelia, decides to post on her own page about this controversy, showing two pictures of models, one in skinny jeans and one in boot cut. Here is her post:

RE: the skinny jean controversy...

i feel that from the following pictures, we can all agree that the second pair of jeans (the boot cut) makes even this model - who CAN pull off the skinny jeans, much like amy and heidi - look so much thinner and more proportional...

And here are her pictures, let me know what you guys think:

In the mean time other fashion trends I can not pull off -

The flower headband, its just not a good look on me:


amelia said...

brilliant recap! excellent work!

♥ jmo said...

Hey, will you send me your email address if you're still interested in coming to the wine party Saturday?

d.a.r. said...

I can't do skinny jeans or those ridiculous headbands!!