Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's Getting Hot In Herrr/ Is the end of the world near?

 OK not to be a pessimist or anything but I am starting to get a bit concerned that the Myans may have had it right. Things have been going on in the world that just don't seem to be good.

First off, Egypt and the rest of the middle east has gone nuts! I think it is great to show the power of peacefull protests and I think it is great if everyone in the mid-east wants to get on thier twitter account and overthrow thier government. BUT I am a bit concerned as to where that leaves these countries after everything goes down. Like who will be running the region, if not for more dictators? Maybe George Clooney? Now that would be awesome.

Secondly, did you know we are in the midst of a solar flare???? It's like we are living in a "end of the world" movie. The news outlets all keep saying ehhh don't worry about NOAA has this covered, but I mean how exactly do they have this covered? Do they have a big bottle of sunscreen they will put over the planet? Will Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis get on a spaceship and shoot ice at the sun to cool that bitch down? I mean really how exactly am I supposed to think it is reassuring that only some GPS systems and only some planes will have to be rerouted and only some radio contact could go down?

Third, did you know earth might have two suns in 2012??? A star, supposidly really far away from here is going to explode/implode! It is losing mass and will eventually implode on itself and Earth should be able to see this bright light for a few weeks. Does anyone else feel a litte bit concerned about this whole idea of a freaking star IMPLODING!!!!??? This can't be good.

Fourth, this is supposed to be the last pope before the end of the world. For those of you that don't know I am Catholic. I get to hear all the cool and crazy Cathloic stories from family and it always weirds me out. But that is neither here nor there. Apparently a saint back in the day has predicted that this pope will be the last pope before the anti-Christ will trick us into taking over the church and then the WORLD. Seriously people I don't joke about the anti-Christ.

So with these stories and the news that Sarah Palin might run for president in 2010 plus the fact that for the first time since I have graduated college and am in the workforce I have money in my bank account, I am thinking this is The End.

Enjoy 2011 and 2012 people.

BTW - I totally hope you know this was all in good humor and not meant to freak anyone out and I don't actually think the world is coming to and end. Just think there is a lot of weird stuff going on in this crazy world.

1 comment:

Jill said...

umm hilarious! i actually did not know all those things and think this blog post deserves a place on the front page of i'd love to see how people react