Friday, December 17, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

I am going to start my annual holiday mission of completing some random acts of kindness. I like to make people smile, it makes me feel good, which in turn is not really selfless, but hey, I am trying. So I do small things like buy a random person at Starbucks their coffee. I hope others pay it forward in some way after they get their special thing. I like to think I am living in my own personal "Pay It Forward" movie. 

Anyway, I suggest you all try this this holiday season. Times are tough for a lot of us out there right now and if everyone was just a bit nicer to each other than we could all have just a little bit better holiday! 

1 comment:

d.a.r. said...

This is definitely the best holiday related post I have read anywhere! good for you!