Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pet Peeve - Office Bathroom Ediquite

OK, so I think everyone hates to go to the bathroom at the office. Its always awkward if your coworker is in there and they want to chat and I just don't like to chat then. Then you have to worry if you keep chatting while peeing? I am all please stop talking to me, this is my moment not our moment. Do your business and I will do mine.

Also I have noticed that a lot of the older ladies in my office linger in the bathroom. They stand there and chat to each other and stuff. I am all, in and out. I don't want to hang out in other peoples peeing radius. It is gross don't you think?

Going to the bathroom in public is horrible and I hate it. It is exacerbated by the fact that I then have to chat with said coworkers before during and after. Just weird.

Anyway back to work.


Kelly said...

I prefer to imagine that no one I work with ever has to pee...want to go to Blogger happy hour and go to WW another night next week?

d.a.r. said...

I just found your blog, so cute!! And ew, I don't want to chat while peeing. We can chat outside of the bathroom, that isn't a lounge or place to hang out!