Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We are bad at being funny....

There was a photo booth at the wedding this weekend. Mr. A and I are just not good at being "bad" in the photo booth. We took our pictures and thought ohhh ok these are great! We put them in her guest book all proud like.

Well then I just saw everyone else pictures (check out Kelly's blog here) and I feel like we were kind of LAME! Oh well photo booths are so mcuh fun if you know how to work them.  We will learn one day!

Here is me with the rest of the bridesmaids, I love these!

Kelly and Amelia did some great posting about the wedding this weekend. Check them out to hear more about the great party the Mr. and Mrs. M threw!  They used this company for the pictures and I think they were one of the best we have seen!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Ya'll look great!! Ben and I have been loving seeing everyone's time in the booth!